Open Gateway

Device Location Verification API: how to verify a device's geolocation

Discover how the Device Location Verification API checks location quickly, avoiding risks of fraud and identity theft.

Location-based applications are a category within digital services, which use a mobile device's geographical location to provide relevant information, content or functionalities. Telecommunications carriers are in an excellent position to exploit capabilities such as these in the market, as they are intrinsic features of our mobile networks. This way we can offer companies from a range of sectors the possibility of tapping into its benefits, such as fraud detection, personalisation of experiences and marketing.    
Through the Telefónica Open Gateway initiative, we have turned our networks into platforms to facilitate the creation of optimised digital services. Thus, through standardised Telco APIs under the framework of CAMARA, we provide developers with advanced functionalities that can generate new business opportunities related to the location of SIM-based devices.  

A tour of the Device Location API

The function of the Device Location Verification API is to verify the geolocation of a SIM-based device. This way, the customer can check whether a user's device is where it is believed to be. This "place" is defined by a circle, specified by its centre (latitude and longitude) and radius. The API specifies an operation, replying to the question of whether the device is in the circle. The operation response will be true or false, depending on whether the network has been able to locate the device in the precise location.    
This solution allows customers to enable services within a specific location, authorise transactions or prevent fraud. For example, a bank that vouches for its users’ security wants to check whether the person withdrawing money from an ATM is actually at the ATM location. The API will come back to the customer with a true response if the user's device has been detected at that location by the network. In case of a negative response, the bank can send alerts to increase security and prevent fraudulent transactions.    

A tour of the Device Location API.

The API is especially useful when the device's GPS is not available (e.g. devices without GPS, closed premises, etc.), when it is crucial to have a reliable source of information (e.g. securing the location of assets, the fleet, or work group, etc.), or a combination of both scenarios. Another major benefit is the possibility of combining it with other complementary APIs from the Telefónica Open Gateway repertoire, such as the Number Verification API or SIM Swap API for enhanced security mechanisms and offer complete protection to the end user.   

Discover how Daycoval has integrated Device Location

Daycoval is one of the most recognised financial institutions in Brazil and has begun collaborating with Open Gateway through Vivo, Telefonica's carrier in Brazil. Overall, the aim is to enhance the user's experience of digital services, while at the same time ensuring that they are protected against fraud.   
One of the areas for improvement in the banking applications is the process of signing up for a new product or opening a new account. Thanks to the integration of Device Location Verification, and with the customer's prior consent, Daycoval can ask Vivo to verify their location in order to automate steps when performing different banking transactions. This allows for the development of new, more secure and more efficient fintech services, increasing customer satisfaction.  

Discover how Daycoval has integrated Device Location.

This is just one example of a use case, but the API extends its solutions to many other sectors, such as ICT services and media, entertainment and XR. This is due to its versatility of integration and the possibility to verifying location in a wide range of contexts. For example, at sporting events you can check if the person is inside the stadium and unlock extra functionalities in the app, such as exclusive cameras or key replays in the match.   
If you want to learn more about the API and its benefits, sign up for the Partner Program or join the Developer Hub to access the full Whitepaper. There you can read about its nature, architecture, implementation, transparency issues and other technical aspects.    

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