Open Gateway

The future of networking through Open Gateway APIs

Explore how Telefónica and Vonage are collaborating to provide access to Open Gateway APIs that are transforming digital security and the user experience across multiple industries. 

The world of technology is constantly evolving, and with Open Gateway we seek to offer solutions adapted to the needs of the present. By opening up our networks through standardized APIs, we unlock the full potential of the network, making it available to developers worldwide.   
On 2 July, our team of experts from Telefónica Open Gateway were live on joint webinar with our Channel Partner Vonage. Under the title " The Future of Networks is Here: Exploring Open Gateway APIs with Vonage and Telefónica", the webinar delved into the advantages and practical applications of two Open Gateway anti-fraud APIs, commercially available in Spain, Brazil and Germany.   
It also explored the featured use cases and a walkthrough of the registration process on the Vonage portal to test or access these APIs in Spain and Germany. In the same session, it was explained how, through our Telefónica Open Gateway Partner Program, we are helping all companies become part of this initiative and learn the best model to start commercializing our APIs.   

Use cases and benefits of Telefónica Open Gateway APIs

In this webinar with Vonage, our Head of GTM Strategy & Partner Program at Telefónica Open Gateway, Marisa Strzelecki, expressed that ‘at Telefónica we are at the forefront of Open Gateway and its various APIs’. She also highlighted the presence of the project in countries such as Germany, Brazil, and Spain, and that thanks to this, ‘several APIs are already accessible, such as SIM Swap and Number Verification’. However, Marisa Strzelecki mentioned that Telefónica is not the only company pushing Open Gateway, but has Channel Partners such as Vonage.   
The session also highlighted how companies can integrate these advanced network capabilities into their solutions, and Strzelecki emphasized the ‘standardization and accessibility’ of APIs, which is ‘key to democratizing access to advanced technologies’. This gives way to the ‘magic of Open Gateway’, because it acts as a single point of entry for developers and eliminates the need to work with each operator individually, ensuring ‘universal access to the largest connectivity platform’.   
In addition to providing tools against digital fraud, our Telefónica Open Gateway APIs are being adopted in sectors beyond finance, such as transport and logistics, where authentication and security are essential. This expansion demonstrates the versatility and impact of APIs in the digital transformation of various industries, supporting innovation and technological advancement. Sign up now for our Partner Program and get access to all the benefits! 

Use cases and benefits of Telefónica Open Gateway APIs.

SIM Swap API and Number Verification API use cases

Our SIM Swap API and Number Verification API were also highlighted. It was discussed how these tools can help prevent fraud, and their versatility in different sectors was also emphasized.   
On the one hand, the SIM Swap API is a tool that helps combat fraud, allowing the detection of suspicious SIM changes in real time. For example, it reduces the risk of fraudulent use of accounts in financial transactions and adds additional protection. Companies can integrate this API with other data sources to perform a more comprehensive risk assessment and strengthen identity authentication, adding an extra layer of security for sensitive data or transactions.  
On the other hand, the Number Verification API allows verification of the user's identity during account creation, password recovery, and other important transactions such as payments; mitigating the risk of fraudulent actions by validating the user's identity through the phone number. In addition, the authentication process is simplified, eliminating the friction associated with SMS OTPs or authentication applications, which increases conversion rates.  

Exploring the potential of our APIs on the Vonage portal

In addition, the webinar dedicated a segment to explaining the unified registration process on the Vonage portal. Matt Fredrickson, Product Manager for Network Registry at Vonage, noted that it ‘offers simplified access to all available APIs, providing a single point of entry for developers’. This centralized registration process ‘not only speeds up access to the necessary tools’, but also ‘ensures that developers can start working on their projects immediately and efficiently’.   
In this process, Fredrickson highlighted: ‘With this unified registration, we ensure that developers have a seamless experience from the moment they sign up until they start integrating the APIs into their applications’. To do this, Fredrickson explained, they only need to follow three steps: ’add a company profile, create a network application profile, and link them to the application’. The service also makes it easier for CSPs to effectively scale the consumption of network APIs, simplifying and standardizing the approval process and granting access to network provider APIs to application service providers (ASPs). 
Another aspect mentioned was Vonage's Network Registry Process, to test our SIM Swap and Number Verification APIs. Matt Fredrickson gave attendees a detailed walkthrough of how developers can leverage this platform to experiment with these two Open Gateway APIs and test network capabilities in a secure environment. During the explanation, Fredrickson commented that you can only test with up to five real phone numbers linked to your operator's network and with consumption limitations.   

Exploring the potential of our APIs on the Vonage portal.

Discover the Telefónica Open Gateway Partner Program to be part of this initiative

At Telefónica Open Gateway we organize different webinars with various partners globally, focusing on the innovative capabilities of Open Gateway and how they can transform the digital ecosystem. With these events we offer developers and companies a detailed overview of the latest tools and services available, promoting innovation and the development of advanced solutions. To be part of the project, we have two programmes:  
The Partner Program allows companies to leverage their business by using Open Gateway APIs, enriching their services and improving the end-user experience by integrating these network APIs into their own solutions or applications, or to enrich their consulting, integration, or development service offerings if they develop services for third parties. Registered partners have access to technical resources for your company's developers to understand how these Open Gateway APIs will work, and commercial material, with additional use cases and case studies that you could implement in your own company's sector or industry or within your customers' solutions. In addition, you will find guidance and E2E support to define the best go-to-market strategy, working directly with our Telefónica operations or indirectly through any of the Channel Partners already part of the program. For example, through the program, Telefónica helps in accessing Open Gateway APIs and helps in the applicability of use cases or tests through Vonage, our Channel Partner in Spain and Germany, or through local sales teams in each country. Sign up now!  
Telefónica Open Gateway also has the Developer Hub, which provides developers with technical documentation on how these APIs work, as well as training and other materials to help them understand how to use them in their own solutions! Join the Developer Hub and discover all the benefits!  
Finally, to keep up to date with all the news about Telefónica Open Gateway, you can subscribe to the project's monthly newsletter. Don’t miss any updates and subscribe to the Telefónica Open Gateway newsletter!    

If you want to know more about the project and how network openness allows companies to optimize their business, you can watch the full webinar here. Don't wait any longer and explore how the future of networks is already here, with the help of our Telefónica Open Gateway experts and our partner, Vonage.  

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