Open Gateway

This is how Telefónica Open Gateway's QoD Mobile and QoD Wi-Fi APIs improve Internet connectivity

Discover how Telefónica Open Gateway develops APIs such as QoD Mobile and QoD Wi-Fi to optimise mobile connectivity.

Connectivity is essential for users as it allows them to access information everywhere, interact with people around the world and work remotely, among other benefits. Given its importance in the digital age, it is important to keep up to date with the latest solutions and use productive tools, which allow you to continue to offer an agile, smooth and quality experience.  
Telefónica Open Gateway is an initiative to open up our networks, through global, standardised APIs, so that developers can leverage the capabilities of the telco sector to create more powerful digital services. One of the latest functionalities implemented through the Telefónica Open Gateway APIs is the Smart Mobile in the My Movistar app, which enables you to deal with possible connection challenges in critical situations.  

Integration of the QoD Mobile API into Smart Mobile functionality

The QoD Mobile API gives developers greater control over users' mobile connectivity, enabling the creation of advanced services that use the capability to control network quality in terms of availability, security and performance.   
The real-time network configuration provided by this API allows for smoother and less interrupted browsing, enriching the customer experience and reducing incidents. In addition, because it is standardised, it is possible to make a single development that is compatible with all telco networks. This speeds up the development process and reduces the time to market.  
One of its most important integrations has been in the My Movistar app. Thanks to the QoD Mobile API, it is possible to activate the Smart Mobile functionality: a service that improves connectivity in the most critical moments, for example, when there is a high demand on the network (such as at festivals, concerts...) or when consuming digital services that require a high bandwidth (such as streaming video or high quality video calls).   
The activation of this functionality is done from "Movistar Tokens", and is tailored to suit the user's needs. To do so, the line holder must accumulate at least 50 Movistar tokens. Smart Mobile allows the user to customise connectivity for periods of 15, 30 or 60 minutes, improving the stability and quality of the connection while the user plays online games, streams or makes video calls.   

Integration of the QoD Mobile API into Smart Mobile functionality.

QoD Wi-Fi API and use cases for improved connectivity

Another of the tools that we offer from Telefónica Open Gateway to improve connectivity is the QoD Wi-Fi API, which provides more precise control over the quality of service in devices connected to the home Wi-Fi network. It is focused on improving the user experience for digital services within the home, enabling easier configuration and more effective on-demand QoS management, providing a more seamless and customisable experience for users.  
One of the most important use cases for the QoD Wi-Fi API is in the world of video games. This API allows users to activate Gaming Mode via the Smart WiFi application to prioritise the Internet connection of that device over other devices connected to the same Wi-Fi network for an enhanced and less interrupted online gaming experience. This is just one example of how the QoD Wi-Fi API provides precise control over the quality of service.   

QoD Wi-Fi API and use cases for improved connectivity.

Discover the Telefónica Open Gateway programmes

If you are a developer and you are interested in testing our APIs to create functionalities like the ones we have looked at and validate your own use cases, you have at your disposal our Developer Hub. It is a developer lab where you can access product betas, test our APIs in advance, access technical documentation, development kits and receive technical support. ¡Join here!  
On the other hand, through the Partner Program you can boost your business with Telefónica Open Gateway. This programme designed for companies offers access to APIs to enrich the company's processes. In addition, you will be able to take full advantage of our tools, thanks to our technical and business support, exclusive resources and commercial material that we offer in this programme. All you have to do is fill in the form and wait to be contacted to be able to enjoy its advantages. ¡Sign up now!  
And in the meantime, don't miss out on the latest news and opportunities. Subscribe to the newsletter to keep in touch with the latest updates, case studies and exclusive events. We look forward to seeing you!  

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