Open Gateway

A way of experiencing sport: case study of YBVR and Movistar Immersive Experience

Discover the YBVR and Movistar Immersive Experience case study to learn how the integration of Telefónica Open Gateway's Device Location, Carrier Billing, QoD Mobile and QoD Wi-Fi APIs deliver innovative viewing experiences for sports matches and competitions.

The way spectators experience sport has evolved throughout history. Live statistics and metrics were a before and after, offering a wealth of detail on the match, race or competition. With technological developments, the viewing of matches has gone a step further, and now Virtual Reality (VR) offers a new way to experience sports in an immersive way, both from inside the stadium and at home. 
YBVR and Movistar Immersive Experience, thanks to Telefónica Open Gateway APIs, allow users to immerse themselves in the immersive experience in the Copa del Rey acb basketball tournament. On the one hand, the in-stadium experience uses a multi-camera format with YBVR Arena technology to deliver premium experiences on the mobile. On the other hand, users can access and experience basketball at home through the Meta Quest Virtual Reality (VR) glasses in a totally innovative way Movistar Immersive Experience and experience basketball in a totally innovative way. 

Which APIs have made this experience possible?

This innovative way of watching sporting events is made possible by Open Gateway's network APIs, including Device Location, Carrier Billing, QoD Mobile and QoD Wi-Fi. Below, you can see the role each API plays in making this experience unique: 


  • Device Location API: its integration allows to ensure that users accessing the service are actually in the stadium. The API allows reliable verification of a device’s location, unlike GPS spoofing. This API uses the network location, and allows to offer users inside the stadium exclusive content related to the match.
  • Carrier Billing API: the API implements a more secure payment method than the traditional one, as the user does not have to provide any sensitive data such as credit card number or address. Users only need to validate their mobile phone line. In addition, this makes the shopping experience easier by reflecting the invoice on the next operator bill. Thanks to its integration, we can offer users premium content related to the match, such as access to new insights or data about the match, for an easy and simple payment.
  • QoD Mobile API: a challenge facing the broadcasting of large events, such as concerts or sporting events, is maintaining stable connectivity in the face of so many concentrated devices. The API provides advanced functionalities for mobile connectivity, ensuring a smooth and fast experience without interruptions or delays. In addition, it optimises the quality of images to provide the best possible display. This is all thanks to the fact that the device is guaranteed to connect in highly congested environments.
  • QoD Wi-Fi API: is automatically activated and deactivated when entering and exiting the Movistar Dome space, with preference given to the VR goggles connectivity over the rest of the devices in the home. This way we avoid high latency interruptions, buffering problems or lags during the game and ensure a stable connection.


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