Open Gateway
Case studies

New-generation stadiums

Virtual reality technology can make it possible to enjoy a match from the inside without missing a single move. It highlights how YBVR has achieved an optimised and high-quality experience following the integration of the Carrier Billing, Location Verification and Quality on Demand APIs.

Yerba Buena Virtual Reality (YBVR) is a company that markets streaming immersive video experiences for virtual reality glasses. YBVR Arena enables its users to enjoy immersive sporting events in the stadium via their mobile phones. It thus caters for the new consumer habits in the entertainment and sports sector, which is seeing an increasing demand for immersive and participatory formats. By integrating the Carrier Billing, Location Verification and Quality on Demand APIs, it raises the experiences to the next level, increasing flexibility, simplifying payments and optimising the quality of the images. By combining these APIs, it can deliver content with fewer interruptions and better resolution to deliver next-generation digital services. 

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