Open Gateway
Case studies

Banking onboardings on a different level

Registration processes in the age of digital banking require security measures suited to the new times. Explore Daycoval's case to find out how the SIM Swap API has enabled it to reduce the risk of identity theft crimes related to SIM card exchanges.

Daycoval is one of the most important banking institutions in Brazil, specialising in credit to companies and private individuals. In recent years it's made great strides in its digitisation, opting for more modern channels to bring its services closer to users. By doing so, it's being faced with new security challenges associated with online scams. Integrating the SIM Swap API can reduce the risk of fraud related to SIM card exchanges. This standardised tool can reinforce the security of its onboarding processes by detecting suspicious SIM card movements and preventing identity theft. It also optimises the user experience, as it's a streamlined and simple process for its customers.  

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