Open Gateway

Advanced marketing techniques with Open Gateway

Open Gateway has Telco APIs that can develop new marketing functions to increase differentiation from the competition.  

In an increasingly digital and competitive world, differentiation in the marketplace is essential for companies seeking to engage and retain customers. Advanced marketing provides numerous tools and techniques that enable companies to stand out from the competition while offering personalised and secure experiences to their users.   
Within this context, Telefónica Open Gateway provides a set of APIs that can constitute the keys to raising marketing strategies to the next level. In this article we’ll explore how these solutions can be leveraged to drive campaigns and create deeper connections with customers.  


Communication personalised by location

One of the most effective strategies in current-day marketing is the personalisation of communication based on the user’s location. With our Device Location Verification API, which always requires the user’s express consent for its use, companies can enhance their personalised offers.   
This API can verify the geographical location of a mobile device and confirm whether it’s within a given area; in other words, the API doesn’t track the user’s exact position. However, companies can deploy this benefit in their marketing strategies in order to send messages, emails and other important communications, such as special offers and announcements of local events, at just the right time.  
For example, a chain of coffee shops can send targeted special offers to users who happen to be near one of their branches in the afternoon. Not only will this increase the likelihood of attracting customers to the shop, it will also create a more personalised experience that may increase customer loyalty. This kind of marketing is effective for businesses that rely on their physical location to attract customers.  

Communication personalised by location.

Improved physical spaces

The user experience in physical spaces is crucial, and one of the keys to improving it is by ensuring optimal connectivity. Open Gateway’s QoD Mobile API and QoD Wi-Fi API allow businesses to monitor and optimise the quality of their internet service, thus ensuring that customers always have a stable and fast connection. This is particularly important in places such as shopping centres and airports and at mass events at which the environment may become considerably congested. These APIs can prioritise connectivity routes and guarantee an excellent connection, making the difference between a positive experience and a frustrating one.  
Moreover, today’s physical shops are seeking to raise the purchasing experience to the next level. Regardless of the sector, the aim is to provide the best possible consumer experience. One of the ways in which this can be achieved is by means of the incorporation of Extended Reality (XR) elements. For example, a clothing store can provide a virtual fitting room in which there is no need to change the desired garment, as it can be viewed through augmented reality. However, these new technologies require the best possible connectivity, and the above-mentioned APIs can therefore help them to operate properly.  

Improved physical spaces.

Increased application security

In a digital environment in which security is a growing concern for consumers, ensuring the protection of personal data is vital. Open Gateway has a number of anti-fraud APIs that can add additional layers of security to applications. This is essential when it comes to building and maintaining customers’ trust, as they’re becoming increasingly aware of the importance of digital security.   
For example, our SIM Swap API can determine whether the SIM card on the device via which the application is logged into has been exchanged. An alert is sent out and the company can block access to it, in such a way that the real customer is protected from identity fraud. Meanwhile, the Number Verification API can quickly and reliably increase the security of the user’s identity and credentials. It provides a mechanism to automatically verify whether a user is interacting via a device with a SIM card associated with the phone number with which he/she has signed up for the application. By combining these APIs we can achieve greater application security, an essential aspect of any digital service company’s marketing strategy.  

Increased application security.

Telefónica Open Gateway offers companies and institutions this and many other APIs to make a qualitative leap in the use of networks. You can discover our entire repository and the various use cases on our website.   
If you want to be part of the project, you can do it now through the Telefónica Open Gateway Partner Program. The benefits of this programme include a journey on which you’ll be able to receive a step-by-step guide to implementing our APIs, explore the catalogue and enjoy access to exclusive documentation and use cases developed in our Developer Hub. You’ll also be able to make an appointment with our expert business development team. Sign up now!  
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