Open Gateway

Telefónica Innovation Day 2024 Schedule

Find out more about the speakers who’ll shape one of the biggest events of the year and the participation of our Telefónica Open Gateway experts to uncover how the power of connections permits the creation of the most cutting-edge technologies. 

What do you expect to see in the future? Does a world in which Artificial Intelligence is the order of the day come to mind? Or can you imagine a reality in which quantum computing revolutionises applications? This reflection brings us to Innovation Day: an event set to be held at Distrito Telefónica on 17 October to unleash the potential hidden in the company’s networks and release the avant-garde technologies stemming from its capabilities. 
It’s time to expect the unexpected. Under the slogan "(Un)Expected Connections", Telefónica Innovación Digital invites its attendees to keep an open mind. The event will feature a unique talk chaired by Chema Alonso to showcase the main products and services being developed by the company. Moreover, to enable the public to try out the different solutions, an area called Connecting Ground has been set up with corners where they can obtain first-hand experience of the projects we’re working on. 
As could not be otherwise, our experts at Telefónica Open Gateway will be in attendance to unveil the new features of the project and display the universe of options offered by the opening up of our Telco capabilities when it comes to developing more efficient digital services entailing a lower risk for users. Would you like to learn more? We’ll outline the schedule for the event! 


This is what your experience at Telefónica Innovation Day 2024 will be like

15:00h – 16:00h | Welcome and guided tour of the Connecting Ground experiences. The first step to connect with the innovation of the other attendees. Armed with a coffee in hand, you’ll be able to go on a tour of the demo area and witness our innovation through GenAI, cybersecurity and numerous other cutting-edge technologies. 
16:00h – 18:00h | (Un)Expected Connections talk. A tour only suitable for geeks and lovers of the tech world. Chema Alonso will take you on a unique journey at a talk that will list Open Gateway’s advances, the most innovative TU services, the latest developments in Web3 and the Metaverse, the services of the future provided by Hogar Movistar and the entrepreneurial spirit of our Wayra colleagues. 
16:00h – 18:00h | Afterwork and Networking. A farewell get-together to bring the event to an end on a high note. You’ll be able to learn more about our projects and connect with other guests at a Connecting Ground cocktail party. 

This is what your experience at Telefónica Innovation Day 2024 will be like.

Explore the power of connections with the event’s technologies

Technology 1 | Open Gateway. Try our automated and programmable APIs with a single line of code to view the benefits of exposing our networks to developers. Find out how we’re paving the way for new digital experiences by standardising our Telco capabilities. Find out more on the Telefónica Open Gateway website

Technology 2 | Web3 and Metaverse. The technological evolution must be led by all of us for all of us. Find out how we’re transforming our network to provide a base platform for Web3 and the Metaverse. Explore our vision of the new technologies as a chance to connect people’s lives even better. Find out more on the Web3 and Metaverse website
Technology 3 | TU. Learn more about the new features designed to raise applications to the next level: advanced cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, Tokens, Quantum Computing, technological sustainability and much, much more. Find out more on the TU website
Technology 4 | Wayra. Get a first-hand taste of Telefónica’s entrepreneurial spirit and see how it provides innovation services to third parties to help them to raise their open innovation initiatives to the next level, thanks to the company’s extensive network. Find out more on the TU website
Technology 5 | Movistar. Unveil the new way of living at home. Experiment with the devices and services with which Movistar is transforming the home with more immersive, personalised and powerful experiences. Find out more on the Movistar website

Explore the power of connections with the event’s technologies.

If you want to obtain more details about what you can expect to find at Telefónica Innovation Day 2024, visit the event’s official website. You’ll be able to find out more about the schedule, the speakers taking part, the experiences on offer and the forms of attendance.  
Are you interested in coming? Sign up here to secure your place on 17 October or find out more about other ways of enjoying this major event. We look forward to seeing you! 

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